IMPORTANT NOTICE:  The information contained herein is subject to error, the Master Commissioner's Office will not be held liable for any errors which might be on this website.  For more accurate information on these properties, reference is made to the file on record at the Warren Circuit Clerk’s Office on the first floor of the Justice Center.

January 23, 2025 at 5pm
Warren Co.  Justice Center

  CI# Plaintiff  Defendant Address Appraisals
1 24-CI-447 Stockton Mortgage Corp. Stanton, Amanda 109 Yukon Ct.  
2 23-CI-1553 Nationstar Mortgage Ferriell, Farrah 400 West Windsor   
3 24-CI-1324 Gitsit Solutions, LLC England, Johnie 1228 Oliver St.  
4 24-CI-146 ADS Tax Lien Company Garcia-Rolon, Juan 1612 Johnson Dr.  
5 24-CI-1244 Wells Fargo Bank Hedges, Daryl 604 Covington  
6 24-CI-651 Kentucky Housing Corp. Adams, Royce 704 Wintercress Ln  
7 24-CI-1273 Village Capital  Ausbrooks, Clayton 1529 Barley Way  
8 24-CI-1315 Liberty Federal Credit Union Gaddie, Colin 3 Walker Ct.  
9 24-CI-409 ANP Tax Lien Company Penders, Kenneth 1336 Normalview Dr.  

January 23, 2025 Sale Bill
Disclaimer:  The information listed on this website and the presentation at the sale, may not be current or accurate.  This office shall not be held liable for errors or human mistakes.   We advise individuals not to make financial decisions or any decisions based on the information herein, the website in general, or the presentation at the sale.  For accurate information regarding any of the properties or terms of the sale, refer to the Judgment and Order of Sale that is of record in the Warren Circuit Court, 1001 Center Street, Bowling Green, KY.